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Massage, Bodywork, and PEMF

Healthy Cells = Healthy Body

Everything in a body is made up of cells!  If the cells are not functioning normally, the body can get sick or injured.



Sophia Harris, ETMT, ESMT

Massage is great for increasing circulation by stimulating blood flow to the muscles, tissues, and organs being worked.


Increasing circulation opens up blood vessels that helps bring nutrients and oxygen necessary for healthy cell growth and function.  Healthy cells = healthy body.


The hands are used as tools for sensing heat, cold, bumps, irregularities, and transmitting healing to the body through different/specific strokes.

Did you know Sophia is a licensed equine massage therapist?  She went to school at the Rocky Mountain School of Animal Acupressure and Massage in 2019 and did case studies to pass in 2 levels:


Equine Therapeutic Massage Therapy (Level 1)


Equine Sports Massage Therapy

(Level 2)

This year, we have added

Magnawave PEMF

(Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Frequency) to our bodywork sessions.



  • Foundation of Reined Cowhorse

    • reining maneuvers, softness at speed, herd work, rate/position on a cow

  • Foundation of Dressage

    • soft self-carriage, balance, lateral work​, suppleness, straightness

  • Showing

We recommend an evaluation to see if our training style fits your needs.  During the evaluation, we will work with the horse and let you know what we see and feel.  Then all of us, horse included, can decide if this is the right fit.  Call us to schedule an appointment.

Single Session: $65 (on-site only)


Package of 5:    $300 ($60/session)


Package of 10:    $500 ($50/session)


Call about barn deals!


Schedule sessions here:



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